
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Marylou's Buco Salad


This is a Filipino dessert that's bound to be a hit with everybody. If it isn't, you can stop reading my website. Truly, it's that popular. And I like to serve it at barbies because 1) it can be done the night before so you don't worry about dessert 2) it is refreshing after all that grilled meat. My Filipino friend Marylou makes the best buco salad. I have tried others but only Marylou's buco is excellent. That is because she uses a lot of coconut, nata de coco and whipping cream as versus using a lot of fruit cocktail and condensed milk only. I'm not sure if you can get hold of a coconut scraper like this one which my Filipino friend Fely friend got for me from Manila:


Ingenious and pretty isn't it, the coconut scraper.


Make sure you get a medium-old coconut. Too young and the salad will be soggy and there's no bite. Too old and it's hard to scrape. Make sure also not to scrape too deep or you get the brown skin which tastes woody.


Marylou's Buco Salad

3 large coconuts
1 x 850g large can mixed fruit cocktail*
3 cans nata de coco
1 cup thick dairy cream or whipping cream
2-3 T condensed milk, or to taste
1/8 t rose essence

*Don't use tropical fruit cocktail--too much soft papaya

1. Scrape the coconut flesh. Drain the fruits cocktail; squeeze lightly to remove some juice. Drain and lightly squeeze out some of the liquid from the nata de coco. Put everything into a large bowl and mix well.

2. Buco salad is best made the night before and frozen in your freezer. Two hours before serving, put it in the chiller section of your fridge. If it's too frozen, leave it at room temperature earlier. If you don't want to freeze it overnight, make it a couple of hours ahead and freeze it until the salad around the sides of the bowl are frozen but the center is still soft.


  1. Muffinman: i agree that this is the best dessert anytime, anywhere. My mum's Filipino helper introduced this dessert to us. I could not remember what was added as i was a young girl then. i tried making it but only use condensed milk. now i will try your recipe. thank you so much.

  2. Wow, the next time Hubby goes to Manila, I'm so asking him to get me that scraper! It's so cool!! (I'm sending him the link to your blog now!)

  3. *hug* ! ops, sorry u too skinny to huG! ;D

    I love this !

  4. Cool gadget!!!!! Sis Lemongrass, tumpang beli satu!

  5. WooHoo... This is one of the best dessert that i miss the most especially made by auntie marylou!! :-) Yum~!! i always wanted to know how she made it! :P hehehe...

  6. Opss.. By the way, what is nata de coco??? Thank you!!

  7. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST POSTS ON YOUR BLOG EVER! the pictures made me hyperventilate! OH MY FUNKY GOD please send me some of that Buco Salad from heaven!

  8. mufinman: u r welcome :)

    lemongrass: yes, i have another scraper, all steel but i like this wooden handle one better. btw, pea is now calling u sista *winks* sista wants a coconut scraper too :D

    denise: WHAT?? I AM FAT!wait till u see my next post.

    anon: u r yi?

    anon: i don't really know what nata de coco REALLY is. it comes in a can, is chewy n fun to eat. maybe it's some kind of coconut thingy.

    jc: prayer answered yet?? this is so easy to make. i hear u can buy the coconut already scraped in some asian grocers. you just throw everything into a bowl n mix. Ming did this u know.

  9. this looks very refreshing. Terri, what is nata de coco??? Sorry about your Auntie. I hope she is better.

  10. Hahaha.. i am auntie marylou's niece. :)

  11. tealady, i think it is some kind of coconut edible fibre or something. it is tranlucent, slighty chewy n usually canned in a sweet syrup. hey, if u don't get condensed milk over there, maybe a large scoop of vanilla ice cream can do.
    thnx, i wish she doesn't need surgery but looks tt she does. i pray she recovers quckly.

    anon: r u lydia? rn't u in london/ireland? pls tell auntie fan about 6th auntie n tell her to visit 6th auntie on her way back frm ireland. thnx dear.

  12. Sweetened condensed milk is no problem, but the nata de coco is just not possible where I am. Ah, well!!!

  13. Opss.. I'm not lydia as well. But she is my coursin. My mum is the eldest in the Yong's Family. You might not me personally. :) Do you want me to pass the message to Lydia?

  14. yhwa: yes please tell fan, thanx. i'm sure if u r in kk i have met u b4 :)

  15. Terri, I am hosting Weekend Wokking this month. Check out the details from the link below. Secret ingredient for this month is coconut, you wanna participate by submitting buco salad entry?

  16. Oh my the coconut scraper is lovely!!! I'd love to have one!My husband is from Sabah but we're living in KL. If it is at all possible for you to get me one thru ur friend I'd be grateful. My sis in law in KK owuldn't mind paying for it on my behalf m sure and can go over n get it from u if ur living in KK too? Pls tell me if thats possible Ok. Im crazy bout that thing just looking at it. It is soo ingenious! btw love ur blog. visit mine

  17. zurin: hi, i've been to ur blog n have immediately added u to my list. n tt cupcake blog u recommended--i've never seen such BEAUTIUL cupcakes in my life, not evn in cookbooks! it's art, sculpture, it's not food!

    fely has gone back to canada for more than 5 yrs now. i'll keep a look out n if i see a acraper like tt, i'll contact u...

  18. oh thanks Teri.. n thanks for adding me to ur list. appreciate it..ur on mine of course...

  19. made this over the weekend, and it was AWESOME, even without the gorgeous scraper.
    thanks terri for this super yummy delicious, heart stopping salad.

  20. Terri , id like to make this desserrt but I wld like ot know...does the whipping cream need to be whipped of just poured in??? cant wait to try...with the lovley coconut scraper u gave me of course!!!!! (^_^) i'll b waiting waiting waitign for ur answer ^^

  21. I have some frozen dairy cream in my freezer, can I thaw it slightly and after mixing dump it back into the freezer? Or do you suggest I mix in the frozen dairy cream just before serving? MH
