
Sunday, October 5, 2008

And I Would Like To Thank...

...all of you who have given me awards. To tell the truth, I wasn't sure what to do with the awards. But now I've noticed what other bloggers do: acknowledge the award and pass it on.

My first blogger award was from Bento Pet last year. This year todate I've received 4 awards. Award No 1 this year was received in June from Hungry Hamster of Melbourne:

yummy blog award

"A Daily Obsession not only has beautiful and good recipes, it always has good, interesting stories to go with the pictures. I love reading and learning about Chinese and Malaysian food and cultures!"

To have that said by the blogger behind Hungry Hamster who has a REALLY Yummy Food Blog herself, makes me very happy. Hungry Hamster and I met at my daughter's graduation in Melbourne when she approached me, recognizing me from the pictures on my blog. It made that special day even more special.

I now pass the Yummy Blog Award to two (as stipulated in the rules) of my favorite food/recipes blogs:

1. Greg & Nee On The Go--they go everywhere, but most of all to the kitchen, with Nee cooking and Greg eating. I've met Nee once through her Aunt Linda, and we talked like soul-mates for a whole afternoon about food! Though so many many years younger than me, this lady can cook anything in the world, and cook it well. If I need any genuine recipes, I turn to Nee.

2. BlueLotus--her site is a pleasure to visit, from the informative posts to the Japanese meals that she so beautifully cooks and presents. And she seems fun--if not a little goofy. Just look at her profile pic.

Award No 2 came from Pat of Bento Pet again. Pat is an amazing mom who packs pretty bento boxes for her three girls. I hardly ever get up to do breakfast, let alone pack bento boxes, so I take my hat off to her. I am thrilled to accept this award:


Pat said: Then there is Terri @ hunger hunger who doesn't care a hoot about 'awards' but I love to silently stalk her creative cooking site because of her honest to heart type of ranting and amazing recipes. I learnt to cook my first "best soy sauce chicken" from her blog!

I want to pass the Creativ Blogger Award to the following blogs:

1. Ganacheganache. Lorrine is the pretty young mom of this blog. I just met her last Friday for the first time when I picked up a green tea cake from her. It was the best green tea cake I've ever eaten, and my Hub who's not into sweet stuff, agreed too. Lorrine has my praises because she bakes using the best stuff and keeps away from artificial flavorings, colorings and all those additives that may make a perfect but poisonous cake.

2. All That Matters--Rei is the adoring mother of two beautiful kids. She's an excellent baker and cook, and I have made a least two yummy cakes using her recipes. For a while I confused her with Lorrine of Ganache, because they are both excellent bakers and seem similar in many ways. Now I've just learnt they are born in the same month and year, and both are Singaporeans.

3. Tealady--Margaret is a warm and encouraging southern belle from Baton Rouge, Louisiana--or is it New Orleans?-- who I'd also love to meet one day. I go to her blog to taste some southern food, to see what her garden grows, and to learn her latest baking and cooking recipes which are always so hearty and homey. I've yet to make Margaret's scones, her specialty, because my food processor has conked but I have a file full of her recipes that I want to try.

4. Hungry Hamster--this beautiful site is full of cakes and desserts that I used to suspect (just kidding) were bought from some patisseries or hotels--they are just too pretty to be home made! Truly a threat to Nigella.

5.Trishiescrap--this girl's a darling, full of compassion and love for people and God. I'd love to meet her one day. I LOVE her photos, so much so that I think there are pro- photographers out there who are technically perfect but can't hold a candle to her artistic and soulful photos because she captures them with her heart. I'd say her style is like Keiko's (Nordjlus), my favorite blog photographer. She's the only non-food blogger on this list.

Award No 3 was from Tealady from Louisiana. The lady behind this blog is Margaret, who informed that my blog is "The blog that got me into blogging". That really makes me happy, because I hope that means my blog inspired her. Margaret's award was also the Brillante Award:


This award allows me to select 7 blogs!! Hooray! This list includes my daily blogs:

1. Precious Pea--she's special in that she always encourages me by leaving me a comment. She's also special because we met last year when she came to visit KK. But of course, she gets the award because her site is so crammed with food and dogs, my two favorite things too. Plus she seems to have a fun life. Lately she's into fishing, also one of my favorite hobbies before I got too vain.

2. Bento Pet--although this is now more a blog on bentos, it also has excellent recipes on Japanese food, and is my favorite Japanese food wikipedia and recipe site. Pat also shares her family life and her Christian values which encourages me.

3. Lyrical Lemongrass--true to the blog's name, Meena writes with style and humor and she does it so well that I think she is Malaysia's Food Reviews Blogger of the Year. Meena's site is sleek, elegant and I 'hate' it. I 'hate' it because her photos make mine look amateurish! Seriously, I think she is way up there with her prose and her style and her photos. Not forgetting her taste buds too. And yes, she's a little wacky like me sometimes.

4. Rasa Malaysia--this is Malaysia's Food Blogger of The Last Few Years, for Malayisa recipes especially. Another blog that I 'hate' because she and Meena went to the same photo school. No need to say more, just check her outstanding blog for yourself.

5. Fresh From The Oven--Mandy is from KK, now living in Atlanta. An excellent baker whose desserts and photos make me want to hang up my apron. And my camera.

6. Lilyannette--another Sabahan living in the States, she is a dedicated mother and she cooks the yummiest food for her family, from western meals to food from her hometown.

7. Chicky Egg--this cheeky chick is getting better and better in her cooking and baking; a real cooking force to be reckoned with. I've had her over for dinner once, and she's very sweet and calm in person. Last week her dad just armed her with a new Nikon D60, so watch out everybody!

Award No 4 was another Brillante Weblog Award from Trishie of Kuching. Another 7 blogs!!


Trish said "terri -- (mother of 3, friend of many. she's been such an encouragement to me!)"

I am so happy that I am an encouragement to her because she is the one who encourages me.

1. Big Boys Oven--These big boys do serious work with their oven, churning out delicious masterpieces of culinary art.

2. Imbi& Itchy--Lianne is the pretty lady behind this blog that now operates from Germany. I love her food and travel pics.

3. Motormouth From Ipoh--I just got to this site recently and I like what I've read so far. Nice pictures and good write ups.

4. Lotsof Cravings --Joe is the guy behind all that heap of food. His extra large pictures make me drool. And he has a way of writing that is--I haven't yet found the word. Wry?

5. GrabYourFork--this is where I got hooked on food blogs. I love Helen's easy-breezy food reviews and her photos. She makes me want to live in her city, Sydney, just because of the food.

6. UGWUG--a prolific food reviewer whose photos are so alive that you can almost touch and smell the food.

7. Drool Team--last but not any least, this is a wonderful site that is very diverse, spanning from recipes to restaurants reviews to visits to Norway to Japan. The recipes are always true and tried, the photos amazing. Plus of course the person behind it is very special to me.

Phew! That's a long acceptance speech. Are you guys still reading? If you have been awarded, you now have to pass the award to others. For the Yummy Blog Award, pass it to 2 others, for Creativ Award, 5 others and for Brillante Weblog Award, 7 others. Make sure to link all the new recipients plus the blog you received the award from. You also have to notify the recipients. Have fun. Now can I go to bed? :))


  1. Hi Terri,

    I love your blog, love your writing style and photos. The first time I read your restaurant reviews, you seemed like a fussy lady to me because you have very high expectation of food. But the more I read, the more I love your honest and straight forward reviews.

    Grab Your Fork is also where I got hooked on reading food blogs.

    You seem to like baking blogs, you might love and hate these 2 blogs, they have beautiful photos

    Keep posting =)

  2. hi Terri,

    Thanks for your lovely award! we love it!

  3. Simple but truly sincere:

    THANK YOU!!!! :)

  4. Terri,
    lately i've been bashing myself up for my lack of knowledge in photography. i know God has made me a slow learner for a reason. and part of that is to remind me, as you have, to not get too caught up in striving to be like others and follow techniques, but to capture God's masterpieces as i appreciate it. thank you! :)

  5. Oh, Terri!! Thanks so much for the award. I am humble and Blushing. BTW I am from Pineville, LA., in the center of the state.

    I look forward to each new posting on Daily Obsession. Keep up the great blogging and recipes. I am determined to try more of them one day. If I can find the ingredients.

  6. Terri, thanks for the award! Appreciate it!

  7. " aaahhhh !!! "
    I feel proud to have met you, the dragon lady in town !

    Thank you for the award. (",)

  8. wow, it is indeed an honour for me. I'm quite new to the blogging scene (well, rather new) and reading the other food blogs on the net motivated me a lot.

    was hooked on yours since your HK posts. pics so crisp and clear, made mine looked amateurish. :)

    thanks again!

  9. Awwww, you flatter me, Terri!! Thank you! Perhaps now is a good time to tell you that your blog is on my Top 5 must-reads because your writing is honest and comes from the soul. Keep up the good work. :-)

  10. wow, this feels like an oscar list and i'm in!! Tq, i'd hv to say 'ng kam tong'...

  11. wry? r u sure? hehehe..thanks alot and yes if u like i will make my pics uber big just for u..

    if theres one thing abt ur blog, i cant try the food u blog!!!

  12. Hey Terri!

    Wow, Thank you for nominating me! What you said about me was also very sweet *blushed*

    I'm very flattered that you like the pictures! You area great photographer yourself! That was a very long post! I wondered how long you took to write the whole post? :)And yes, I'm currently in Bkk right now! Will be heading off to Japan with my family in 2 weeks!

  13. Thank you for the award! :) I can always nominate you again hor? Hehehe. Your blog is absolutely wonderful so you well deserve the 4 awards..and many more to come too!

  14. Hi Terri,
    Oh, we are so not worthy! You have always been very generous with your encouragement & praises. Nee is so shocked now she doesn't know what to do. She's just smilling blankly at the kitchen wall for the whole day now.

  15. hey, I'm so so surprised that I got the award as I'm so new to blogging. Thank you very much !!! I'll work hard....

  16. Thanks for the award. I'm having a really bad cold now and will be hibernating for awhile. Hope I remember to pass it on. Thanks again!

  17. linda: thanx, very happy to know tt, i'm quite a sucker for compliments..really, grab your fork also got u hooked on food blogs? so we have similar tastes :)the blogs u rec are great, i love them.

    bbg: u deserve it:)

    lily: WELCOME!!

    trishie: comeon, u are gifted!

    tealady:pineville? do a post so i can see ur towm! n thanks for ur kind words always:)

    rasamalaysia: u deserve it :)

  18. bentopet: welcome dear

    denise: dragon lady?!cheeky chick!

    j2k: keep on blogging:)

    lyrical lemongrass: now u've gone and made me 10 feet tall! thanx, guru!

    afeast: of cos u 'tong'

    joe: :))

    hungry hamster: it took me an afternoon bc of the links :( it usually takes me about 20-30 min to write; sometimes when i'm driving i think of what i'll write..hey, u so lucky, always travelling! u'll enjoy japan for sure. i'm waiting for those posts.

    pp: u r greatly warmly welcome:)

    gregwee: u deserve it bah!

    ganache: haha, spoken like a good girl!

    wmw: oh dear, second time this yr isn't it?? u need lots of water n rest. makan too.

  19. I came across Grab Your Fork when I was googling for a Sydney restaurant review. I love her photos so i got hooked reading her blogs, later on everytime I was free, I clicked on her blogrolls, hopping from I blog to another, I found a lot of interesting food blogs.

  20. Hi Terri, thanks for the award. Appreciate it! btw, I tried your Buco salad, it was gone in seconds. Thanks for the great recipe~!

  21. hey Terri,
    thanks for the award! Will you be around in end of Nov? I will be heading home around that time. Hopefully, we will get to meet up this time!

  22. hi mandy, u r welcome :O i shd be arnd...when exactly in nov?

  23. I haven't gotten the tickets yet, but should be in the last week of nov. Did you receive the email I sent you sometime ago?

  24. I actually know Hungry Hamster personally, and may I just say, if she says your recipes are good, your recipes must be amazing.
