
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Golden Inside-Out Tofu Boks

Deep-fried inside-out tofu boks

This is the third time I've cooked fried tofu boks in the last few months. Each time, the pictures didn't turn out good so I didn't do a post on them. The boks look dry and boring. They also look like Critters eggs, perfect for Halloween. But these boks are absolutely delicious despite their looks. Wey and Yi loved them and insisted I post this recipe. So do not judge a recipe by its looks but try this out yourself. The boks can be served as a snack or finger food.

Tofu boks are fried spongy tofu balls which are hollow inside. The boks are added to stews and soups, but very often are stuffed with a meat filling and simmered in stock. An unusual way of stuffing the boks is turning them inside out and filling the pockets with meat before deep-frying them. The result is super crunchy fragrant boks with springy meat stuffing, guaranteed to keep a man from straying (to the restaurants, what were you thinking?) especially if you allow him a free flow of beer to go with the boks. Seriously, these fried boks are really that good. In my house, we never get to eat these golden boks at meal times because they never make it to the table. Serve them with a creamy dip, such as mayo or tomato or chili ketchup or English mustard (use vinegar to blend the mustard flour) or honey dijon mustard and before you know it, the whole plate'll be gone. And guys, don't wait for your princess gfs to cook these boks for you. This is a super easy dish to cook and I expect all you guys out there to cook it and report back to me. If she won't eat them ("Too oily!") or doesn't like them ("Too oily!"), reconsider your relationship. You don't want to spend the rest of your life eating steamed asparagus with the princess.


Turn the boks inside out, stuff the pockets with meat mince and seal or cover the meat with the tofu flaps.

These are tofu boks before they are turned inside out. When I ran out of boks, Yi bought rectangular boks instead of the square ones but when cut into half they were just as good, except the meat will be more exposed. Choose thick, meaty boks.

Inside-Out Tofu Boks
400g ground pork*
about 25 square tofu boks
1 T cornflour (if using home mince)
a few shakes of white pepper
a smidgen or good pinch of salt (not too much if you use bought ground pork)
oil to fry

*Best to mix half home-ground pork (use machine for finer texture) and bought ready-ground pork to get a springy bite and smooth texture. If you use 100% home mince pork, the filling will taste too coarse and dry unless you leave enough pork fat in when you mince the meat. You'll also need to turn and twirl the meat around until it reaches a springy consistency, so that the cooked meat will give a nice bite. Sure you can use bought mince only but that not only has more fat, it costs twice as much as home mince. If concerned about the pork fat, use fish paste wholly (for a different taste) or mix with minced lean pork.

1. Mix the pork/meat with cornflour, salt and pepper.

2. Do not wash the boks. Make a break on the bok with your thumb and turn it inside out. Fill the pocket with about 1/2 to 3/4 T meat filling. Don't overstuff the bok because it will take too long to cook.

3. Heat about 4 to 5 cups of oil (if the oil is enough to cover the whole bok, it will turn out more spiky, which is nice. I always scrimp so my boks turn out flattened) and deep-fry the boks in medium-hot heat until golden brown and firm. Takes about 4 to 5 minutes. Drain on paper towels.

4. Serve hot with a sweet chili sauce, or mayo or English mustard or a honey dijon mustard sauce.


  1. they always reminds me of a beautiful flower. Yours too look so awesome . . . crispy and delicous!

  2. I love eating tofu boks but have never fried them this way. Will definitely try. Looks delicious and it is simple to do. My kind of food. ;-)

  3. Looks very nice and yummy! How do u seal back the flaps of the tofu bok?

  4. ohhh so thats how they make it..another food mystery solved!

  5. smart idea turning it inside out.... consider getting it patented!

  6. I was first exposed to that when I visited Maggi's Kitchen. Yes, they have a special kitchen in their HQ here. I should try out your recipe as pork definitely yummier than the chicken version i had.

  7. bbo: make some n tell me if u like it?

    r: must try!!

    pureglutton: hi, welcome! nice blog u have.
    i just press the flaps on the meat and squeeze..

    joe: :) now u know

    b: oh my bro joe first made it gosh, more than 15 years ago. i think he saw it on tv.

    pp: maggi the soy sauce?? wah, i want to go visit them too. in fact, i think my whole fam wants to go. we love maggi soy sauce!u have connections ah?

  8. I love this blog, found it by googling for pork leg vinegar recipe :-)

  9. this is so interesting!! never eaten this before! more so even see how to prepare them...turning tofu inside out...i'd never ever would've thought of that!

    but how do you make the flaps stay closed? raw egg?

  10. I'd take two please... two plates that is.

  11. I did these for a party before and a friend who dislikes tofu boks ate them! I used fish paste instead of meat though. Yours look yummy!

  12. still waters:thank u, cook d vinegar pork leg n let me know?

    trishie: just hold the bok in your palm and squeeze. the meat will stick to the flap but it's ok too if it doesn't

    bryan: no no the idea is u make some urself.

    rei: did she like it tho? fish paste is good too, springy n sweet.
