
Friday, October 24, 2008

A Very Good Egg Sandwich


Hi! I feel like I've abandoned this website. But I wouldn't do that, because I would miss all of you. And I would not feel prompted to cook anything but noodles if I don't bother to blog.

My daughter's back and the last two days were filled with 'overhaul' sessions. I'm pleased that she has shaken quite a few kgs off but as usual, she has not taken care of her skin. I picked at her face the afternoon she arrived, leaving it all dotted and inflamed. She has resorted to wearing caps again. Then I packed her off to my hairdresser Julia for an attack on her tresses which haven't seen any scissors for the last 6 months. Then it was to the optician to get her contacts. Next she'd be wanting to shop for clothes since I noticed she hardly brought anything back but her easel and a ton of paint tubes. I tend to spoil her, so it's a good thing I only have one daughter or I'll be broke. But most of all, she's been driving (and giving me heart attacks and causing me to step on imaginary brakes) and we've been yakking.

As you can tell, I'm still not doing much cooking for you all. Yes, when I cook, it's partly to blog. But you wouldn't want to read about everyday boring food would you? You would? Okay, you get what you want ...sometimes (haha, WMW, excuse my plagarizing).

If you are a morning sleepy head like me, boil the eggs the day before and leave them in the fridge. In fact, you can chop and mince everything first and then combine them with the mayo in the morning. The kids can slap the filling on and make their own sandwich by now don't you think. Now I've even told you how I steal an extra 5 minutes in bed.


A Very Good Egg Sandwich

4 eggs
3 T good mayo
1 T Dijon mustard
salt and pepper
3 T grated Cheddar cheese (optional)
white or wholemeal bread, sliced thick

*Use chopped cuke (I like Lebanese cukes), celery, red onions (don't really like them but they look good in pictures, don't they), watercress etc

1. Put the eggs into a small pot and when water boils, count 2 minutes and switch fire off. Let eggs sit in the covered pot for 15 minutes. Throw water away and run tap water into the pot. Wait 10 minutes. Peel eggs. Cut into small cubes. Be careful not to mash up the yolks or the sandwich filling will be too creamy.

2. Mix everything together and spread on white or wholemeal bread.


  1. How come a simple egg sandwich also you can make it so mouth-watering???

    I know you must be so busy catching up with Yi. :)

  2. i heard old folks say that overnite fridged eggs r not good for err men reproduction i guess its ok since u 2 r females?

  3. Hey, was just about to ask the same question...isit true about the overnight eggs and men? Mum insists on the theory that if men were to eat overnight eggs, their "eggs" will grow big...LOL..
    Since I have 3 men in my house, let me try this recipe on them! muahahaha...

  4. u use knife to chop the egg white. I use fork to smash them. may be i m stupid or nonsense, I like when my white are smash using fork, bcuz it will turn into irregular tiny pieces, and nice to bite. if cut with knife, like very 'cube'-y and 'square'-y feel when u bite them. ( RoAR! )

    anywys, so hang fuk oh H-Yi!!! polish by mum like princess!! ;)

  5. Hey I didnt realise one can blog a sandwich recipe! its too easy. Since uv done it then sandwich it is 4 my next post. can u believe someone wanted to order some sandwiches from me a few years ago?!!!!! couldnt believe it....I gave her my recipe instead..if u can call it a recipe! N hear this....she didnt make it ..too scared tak jadi.....LOLOLOLOLOL

  6. u know when I 1st saw the word CUKE on your blog, I was wondering what is that ?? Google it then I know it's cucumber, haha malu....

  7. pp: picture only mah...yes, hugging each other in bed-gosh!

    joe, em: u know, this superstition must've been made up by some bad grandmother to push leftover eggs onto girls!u know how they (used to) favor boys in china. but this overnight eggs r bad for guys is rubbish. if so, they shdn't eat overnight cakes or egg noodles or cookies etc etc.however, joe, n em, i am not liable for any shrinkage or expansion of any of ur 'eggs'...

    denise: yes, she doesn't want to go back...

    zurin: haha, u can blog about anything, it's ur blog! i'm eager to see ur sandwich recipe; must be so good!

    ganache: hahaha, u shd've asked ur kids:)

  8. If I liked egg salad, this would be absolutely fantastic. I love the addition of the cukes and the cheese. Maybe I will try that with my chicken or tuna salad. Thanks for the idea. You mean the kids are supposed to KNOW where the bread is??

  9. Hi Yi's mom...glad Yi is home and you having fantastic time with her. Give her extra hugs for me ok... Gonna miss her sketchy mondays but then what is far more important than home sweet home, right... Yi...glad you are home and enjoying yourself. And those sandwiches are indeed yummmy... BTW.. the greens on top.. is that watercress? Thanks... Chrish

  10. man, i tell ya. if i were away for studies, i'd sure would wanna come home to those sandwhiches!!!

    but my mom would most prob just drive me to the nearest kolo mee.. LoL!!

  11. hey just wondering camera you using? it take good photos

  12. yummy sandwich. you can actually get the chew the egg!!! I never think of that and mashed everything into something very gooey.....

  13. margaret: haha, when it comes to food, they can sniff out anything i stash away.

    trishie: tell u the truth, my kids prefer kolo mee to bread anytime. bread is not smthing they happily eat.

    chrish: yes, tt's watercress. yi n i r loving each other to death.

    ho jiak: thanx :D, i'm using the panasonic lumix fx50.

    lily:i love a good sandwich too.

    agnes: u r the 2nd person to tell me about mashing up the eggs with a fork. u r right,i would imagine it would get all pasty n yolky n there wouldn't be any bite.yuks.

  14. THis looks great! First time here, and you got lovely recipes... :)

  15. hihi.. just wondering.. if i mix everything n keep it in the fridge.. how long can i keep it for? :)

    thanks for the wonderfyl recipe!!
