
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Explain This Esplanade

One of the prettiest drive in KK is along the Likas Bay. These pictures were taken around noon today, giving harsh and washed out colors. Drive there in the afternoon, around 4, when the tide is high and the sea is bright blue, and you'll agree with me that this is our best scenic drive.


That's Mt Kinabalu peeking out.




Wait a minute, what's that big orange building coming up, facing the road?(Notice Mt Kinabalu--very faint-- in the background. Nice juxtaposition huh?)



Two storeys, the higher from which to look out to. Somebody, pleeeassee plant some big trees to hide this monster. In the meantime, paint it green or something.


On closer look, the huts aren't so bad. They would look better if the roofs are thatched with atap. No more atap? Can always import some from the Maldives. Many Malaysians love Maldivian banks.


And 200 years later anthropologists will tell us we are related to the Red Indians of British Columbia.

I say lay off Likas Bay!!


  1. The design of the toilet..hmm...wonder how that person come up with such design. Hahaha.

    I think i passed by this place before.

  2. isn't it awful what they're doing to kk?? i'm nodding (in agreement) vehemently as i'm reading yr post...all those fugly bldgs cropping up...can only watch helplessly as "they" approve/build 1 ugly bldg/structure after another. dare i mention a money-wasting black feature(?) at a roundabout somewhere in ppang?? sigh..never mind. spore trees...y can't they do that here??

  3. Yup! Likas Bay has a perfect view in KK! When u pass by around 7am, u can see lots of mist at the bottom at mountain, and when u watch from the top, a priceless sea view ! ( I dont further mention the deepblue sea, i know u scared! haha)

    Hey I m just next to yi! how come I never met her ah!

  4. Whoever designed that atrocity needs to be shot. Key thing with any esplanade is subtlety and low key. You're not supposed to overpower the natural beauty.


  5. Hi, just wanna let u know that I enjoy your blog. :)

  6. no food 1?? im sure the flawed but nice greenery and scenery shud b laden with food somewhere or another rite?

  7. Hey, did you read that our mayor wants to plant/instal thousands of decorative (ugly) palm trees (before he retires)? Yuks!

  8. Hear hear!

    But more pavements to make the whole city a little pedestrian friendly would be a good idea.

  9. Eee I wouldn't wanna enter that toilet!!! x__X

  10. pp: i wonder too. isn't it a masterpiece? I'm sure lots of tourists will stop by and admire it. even take pictures.

    rae: i am furious too about what's happening. do what spore is doing?! they'd rather eat poo! anything but follow spore, haven't u noticed? i understand tt bc spore is so smug about everything they do but they really r the best in city landscape n our ppl don't have to fly to europe to learn.

    denise: well, better enjoy it b4 more of these structures come up.

    oh she's only there thurs n fri.mon to wed she's in town in an architect firm.

    bryan: hi u r quite a tall hunk i hear:D
    yes. dbkk needs to be flushed out. pun intended.

    jenny: thanx for the award! hey, u live in oregon?? i love the pacific northwest. it's heaven (except for the rain)! u r blessed :)), send me some pics one day.

    joe: oh God forbid tt they shd allow food stalls there!@! pls, don't even suggest it!!

    r: palms trees r only beautiful along the coast. in fact, tt's where we shd leave them bc tt's where they grow best.

    i've noticed tt dbkk has planted trees along many road islands, which is great. but on close look, i c the trees have very skinny branches. these r trees not meant to grow big so they won't need trimming. but tt also means they won't give the badly needed shade. yet in s'pore they grow big raintrees on road sides n do the trimming regularly.

    i say our mayor should retire RIGHT NOW n let someone, a politically neutral person, a person who loves to better the city n community, take over.

    but tt'll nver happen. not in 100% BN country.

    shan: yes, it must be awful to be a tourist here. there has been an improvemt recently: they've made a walkway on one side of the road from tanjung aru resort to the stalls.

  11. Ah... I blush easily!

    On the flip side, your daughter was the highlight of the evening for our table. None of us were photographers so she beat out Louis Pang for that honor. ;)

  12. whoa!! that made me LOL so loud!! sucha huge toilet!!!

    kk is really beautiful! all those mountains and trees. v. similar to kuching here.

  13. Hey Terri! I SO agree with ya on this.. it's just sad.. BTW, 'twas great meeting up with ya just now! :)

  14. When I said decorative palm trees, I meant the fake plastic looking ones.

  15. Nice pics, what camera did you use?

  16. bryan: :D

    trishie :*sigh*

    jacq:yes, it was good meeting up with u n the other sabah bloggers. rmber, we need to do a directory of kk bloggers!

    r: no way. is this true? he wants to use plastic palm trees to turn kk into a resort city??? has he heard of photsynthesis??

    anon: it's a 'high end' point & shoot, its the panasonic lumix fz 50. great cam really.but cannot change the lenses

  17. the whole concept of likas bay is ok.. but what were they thinking about the big toilet?? what's that tower all about? i agree - plant more trees!!
    the hut with concrete roof is hideous they could've used something nicer than that.. atap would not last long and cost lots to maintain, sadly...

    love reading your food stories.. you should write a book!

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