
Thursday, December 11, 2008

One Of Those Days

everything went wrong today. i'm afraid to even fry an egg in case that too fails. and i certainly shouldn't blog tonight.

(the new camera--i am told to take this portion of my post down as they are resolving the matter, so thanks everyone for your encouragement :))

i baked a sheet cake to make Christmas petit fours and someone put a whole bowl of gravy ON the cake (even if the fridge was jammed pack, you could've put the bowl UNDER the cake!), making a round dent in the cake. of course i was piffed, to say the least.

then i went to the tiles showroom and the tiles that's half up our bathroom walls are out of stock, "it may be months before another batch comes in , would you like to choose something else?" what, and make a patchwork wall? my head reeling, i sent a pity message to a friend whose reply came "tomorrow will be better", which sounds ominous if you ask me at this point.

lucky dinner wasn't so bad. the bacon yi brought back from oz had expired and i had to finish them up fast. this is what we ate tonight but since the bacon tasted better than the wholegrain-mustard-butter-stuffed chicken, i'll just let you look at the photos. i am turning in, and i hope nothing happens between now and getting under the covers.



p.s well, right after i posted this, i went out the room and smelt smoke but thought it was from outside. i sat down, read the papers, harassed wey, read a magazine. then i went into the kitchen. my little new wmf pot was burnt black. i'd forgotten i was boiling a banana (long story why i did that). okay, that's it. goodnight. i won't even brush my teeth, just in case they fall off.


  1. what. a new camera with problem. need to send back KL somemore. Direct ask them to replace a new one for you la. They should resposible to give you a good camera.

  2. he said he only has ONE. i truly felt like crying in front of him. this is too can nikon be so delicate??

  3. You just bought it and they can't exchange a new one for you??? Can refund then?? Oh dear...go sleep early please.

  4. refund?? it's just not done in kk.ivy, i can't sleep! i am so upset. n he said lcd is not under warranty so i may have to pay the repair costs. what?? then what is covered, the straps??

  5. Terri, did u know that Nikkons exported to Malaysia is manufactured in Thailand? Thats d reason that I didnt get a NIkkon altho that was my first consideration.

    Instead I got a cannon cos it was manfactured in Japan so better quality. The standard is different if manufactured in different countries even tho its top brand.

    Strange that the LCD is not under warranty. I have a strong feeling he is playing you out...check with the nikkon service centre..the number shd be in the warranty card or just ask the operator...gv them a call and find out.

  6. I read D90, and went wow, and a split second later, WTF? (pardon the acronym!). I've tried the D90, as a friend proudly showed it off, and it was simply quite stunning. I am sure I had a frown on when reading your post, well, until the banana (somehow that was ticklish) and your teeth falling off!
    Hope you have a good night's rest, and everything will be all better tomorrow!

  7. BUT YOU JUST BOUGHT THE CAMERA?? HOW CAN THAT NOT BE WARRANTIED??? But did you test it when you bought it? GOSH..anyway that you can complain? The consumer tribunal?

  8. O you poor poor soul. Bummer this camera thingy is......take care dear girl. Hope things look up soon!

  9. pls tell me where u bought the camera..i will avoid this shop..This is too much. They should pay for the repair cost. you should fight till you win. Good Luck.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Okay, I feel really bad for you and you are bringing out the Grandma in me. Go put on your flannel jammies, I'll make you some nice hot soup and bring it to you in bed...and I won't even be mad when I have to clean it up after you spill it. There, there. Everything will be fine in the morning.

  12. omg feel so sorry for your experience with new Nikon. Didn't you test it in store? Next time when you buy things, make sure you ask if they have more than ONE :p

  13. omg..looks like i m not alone..although not at the kind of level u experienced..

    does goin to gym without a gym bag and wearing white socks to work count as a bad day?

  14. That food looks absolutely delicious! And sorry about the camera issues - you should be able to take it back if it's faulty! You mention they don't do refunds there - that's a bit strange. If they sell you a faulty item, they should be prepared to give an exchange or refund.

    Can you contact the manufacturer?

  15. Poor thing ... Did you check before leaving the shop? Probably next time need to tipple check >"<

    Get some nice cool dessert, it shall be you feel a bit better ... Cheers buddy ~

  16. Hope you're having a better day. I'm making hot crash potatoes tonight. Finally. Yi will tell you how it went. Hahah.

  17. hope you'll find a fair solution for your Nikon camera.

    I've learnt to 'complain/notify' all the way (mainly to their HQ) when I detect something not right.. like how I did for two cannon cameras to a HP computer, TM Streamyx (they get most calls from me) to even the shop selling plastic containers.

    The guotie and suijiao receipe you posted some time ago was very helpful! I tried it yesterday following your steps and pictures they turned out well. thanks!

  18. Sorry to hear that Murphy has hit your household. I have days like that. Better to just go back to bed.

  19. hi everyone! u know what, just b4 i went upstairs last nite, i saw a bowl of chopped onions left out by my helper b4 she left n as i was about to put it in the fridge, i knocked it over, spilling half onto the floor. my screams were heard i kl i think. the dogs outside went crazy.

    about the cam, the guy is trying his best to have it replaced by next week, so i am feeling much better. pls pls pray tt nothing comes up again. i hate hassles, the older i get the less of a fighter i am.n to think i wanted to be a ralph nader for sabah.

    zuirn, yes, i know they assemble it in thailand, so cheapskate. tt's prolly why everyone is using canon in msia (plus canon's much cheaper) but over in hk & sing, my friends n relatives r sworn nikon looks very trendy too, nikon like it never came out of 1960s. but i know if i get a canon dslr, my heart will always long for a nikon, not the other way around. anyway, this is for yi to try out n only if it's user friendly will i get my own.

    passionate about baking: u r new? hi, welcome to the hungerhunger community!!n thnx, u have a strong shoulder..

    yes yes i hear u all, i shd've checked. i can't believe i didn't. i thot i'll fiddle with it once we get home. yi did click it once in the shop n it was ok.i even 4got to get a receipt, tt excited was i.i'm glad i wasn't buying a car.

    katie, things r cheaper here than in oz but 'customer satisfaction' is a myth :(

    ekeng: can't tell u; he is helpful

    terri: the soup helped :) thnx, n i want u to sing tt lullaby again

    fooman: bake it there, it must be hot

    joe: NO! tt's a NORMAL day.complain some more i'll blonk ur head.

    tealady: i hate murphy, tell him to go away

    b: i can't see u as a fighter. maybe i bring u along next week?

  20. Zurin: u know, when I see mine'Made in Thailand"... I feel like crying too ! but again, the technology is the same. ;(

    Terri: My heart sink when i read that! Make sure that fren really replace for u, otherwise, "Kui-mm-sai-zhi-yee-hang-cuk-ni-ko-moon-hao"!! !

  21. Hope you're feeling better and that the camera problem to be resolved soon.

  22. i had a really good laugh yesterday the only one. i mean it's fun for me to read, not for you to worry falling off.
