What happened when I was asleep last night? Over 110 hits mostly from the USA in the early hours?! So I checked the referrals on my site meter and found that http://www.epicurious.com/ (food website of the group that publishes Gourmet and Bon Appetit magazines) has mentioned A Daily Obsession in their 25/9/07 post ! Wow, I'm very encouraged! Thank you!
Last week, Bento shared with me her Creative Blogger Award (I think it's a great tongue-in-cheek idea for us new unrecognized food bloggers!). Thank you Bento. I am new to blogging but I think I am to pass this award on to other worthy food bloggers? So here's my pick, all from Sabah:
1. A Feast, Everyday @http://www.thedroolteam.blogspot.com
2. Chickyegg @http://www.chickyegg.blogspot.com
3. Shan @http://www.polarbearshan.blogspot.com(a sometime food blogger)
To all who click onto this website, thank you for noticing, commenting, encouraging, advising and for your friendship! Here's some cupcakes for u all:

Congratulations Terri!! I enjoyed reading your post on the Mid-Autumn Festival too.
Well written, from the heart.
Heya Terri, just thought I'd let you know I've ordered some sausages from your friend. I was a bit taken aback by the cost, but I'm sure they'll be worth it. I ordered two kilograms - I wonder if that'll be enough? :D The wife was telling me how to store them and I thought to myself knowing my friends they'd get devoured within an hour!
The cupcakes looks really yummy! WOW 110 hits! SWEEEET! - Nee
bento:thank u dear.
bryan: she said it's bc its low-fat n no preservatives added. but if i were u, i'd try 1 kg first.
gregwee: tt's only fm d states early this mrng :)but i realise it's a one go.
Hi, I like your blog with all the yummy food from everywhere! Getting more than 100 hits a day is awesome! I'm still new in blogging, guess it's a long way to go for me. :)
Congratulations Terri! With a blog as interesting and as well written as yours, I am not surprised. I am sure more will drop by. Very happy for you. From one of your loyal fans ;)
congrats terri! i love this post by u! umm.. ah.. no no.. in fact.. i love all posts by u!
wah... at last can rotate the cupcakes pic ah..
Wow congratulations!! Tts hugh! So very proud of u. Like Raina, I am not surprise. Love all ur posts.
N tq for the kind mention and 'award'. Very encouraging.
* Hahaha *
I just checked my sitemeter... and click on " By Referrals "... omg!!! AHhahahaha.. More than 10 hits just from www.hungerhunger.blogspot.com
I got so excited!! ThAnks for thAt.
WHen u got 200 hits per day, please throw a party! =p I'll be No.1 to line for FOOD. HAHA
ck: tq!when u get 100, u'd want 200, then 300...
raina: hey, really appreciate ur kind words.XOXO
meatball:tq, i enjoy ur posts too. u seem to be checking out a lot of new hip places n i'll be trying them according to ur rec.
drool team:tq, u're doing a great job!
denise: based on ur target, i shd be throwing a party alrdy. but now targetting 600 by Christmas, u think boleh??but seriously, i check ur blog daily cos u have interesting recipes!u're not afraid to 'improvise'
Thats great! Congrats. And thanks for the plug too hehe :)
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