Mahwish's Rory Lion cake:

This Rory looks handsome, thoughtful and gentle, agree?
Mahwish wrote to ask me what I used to ice the cake but unfortunately I was in Penang at that time and couldn't reply her on time. However, Mahwish went ahead and made a beautiful cake using marzipan for Rory's features which is as per the original recipe from the book. I substituted with sugarpaste fondant when I make this cake because marzipan is expensive and hard to find here. Mahwish's Rory's mane looks like it was made with buttercream. Royal icing would give stiffer results. Rory's whiskers were spaghetti. I like the wiggly mane on Mahwish's Rory's forehead.
Lily made her Rory Lion cake for her son Leon and I want to share her letter with you all because Leon's such a cutie, and that picture of the toddler sleeping standing up--it's priceless and so funny! (Is that one of Leon's guests, Lily?) Lily said this was the first cake she has ever decorated, and she was very good at it. She said:
Hi Terri,
i want to show you my first try:

I had big problems with putting the royal icing (3 colours) in the same piping bag.
The consistence of my icing was too thick.
And I hadn't enough icing, so some areas are not covered with icing.
But it was too late to make some new. I went to bed at 6 am!
I was tired like this :-))

...but it was my first cake i can be proud of, that the cake really looks like a lion :-)
And Leon had a nice birthday party with some friends.

Next Saturday we'll celebrate his birthday with the big family. I'm gonna bake this cake again and I hope
the cake will look better. :-))
I'll send you more pics.
Everybody loves this lion cake, especially my husband. He was surprised that I could do that!
As I told, I have never decorated a cake in my life before.
Thanks you so much, Terri for this wonderful recipe.
All the best wishes
A week or two later, Lily made a second attempt and it looks like she can start a bakery shop:

This Rory looks mischievious!
Well done and thanks to both Lily and Mahwish who shared these precious moments and pictures with us. A store-bought cake will still get the kids smiling but it is extra special when their moms make an effort, just for them. What are moms for, if not to make us feel we are precious and loved, the center of their lives! I think it's wonderful.
I love getting mail from you all, and have started a category called Readers' Mail. I look forward to more mail from all of you!
p.s. Did anyone notice that both Mahwish and Lily placed their cakes on clear glass stands?? Another coincidence!
Hi, Your cake is so cute, and the kids are just amazing! Sure makes me smile! :-)
dear friend,
do u've BBQ LAND & STEAMBOAT BUFFET KUANG's phone no at SG BULOH, SELANGOR @ been there? some said d price just below rm20/pax!
mal handsome
plz sms me +60128624623 or
email 2
Those babies are so adorable! And the cakes are cute!Makes me smile too :)
Loveeee your lion cake Terri and the photos! Hahaha! BTW, do drop by my for photo´s and write ups on my life here in Germany :-). The other one s for cooking, and mainly travelling only.
have a great weekend!
oohh boy! I dunno U, but I feel touched for you !I almost burst into teArs!!!
ZY still fondly remembers the lion cake that A. Terri baked! Cherished memories :)
myf: me too, i smile everytime i c tt baby sleep standing up. so so cute!
ibnu: noted
kim: yes, lov them.
lianne: tt's good, i'm following ur travels
denise: :D u really r a softie
b: what cake does he want this bday?
so sweet isnt it?! i think it is very touching that readers share their experience with your recipes. wonderful!
one day when i have the guts and of course the kids, i will do one of your wonderful sugarcraft recipes.
The wide eyed Rory Cake made me wide eyed too :o)
yeah wasting too much money for a kid who barely appreciates it is quite a pity..but i suppose it really shows how much the mother loves the kid by home-baking it!..
then again i would have to buy haha, doubt i have your kind of abilities!
nee: yes, love it when readers write n share their cooking experiences.
so, what's stopping u, hurry up n make some kids!
wmw: haha, tt's how i feel to whenever i meet ppl who naturally open their eyes wide all the time; makes me open mine too.
hey, have u watched 'new shanghai bund'?? the actor's to die for! better than daniel!!
joe: wasting $$?? but its just a cake dear! no, u CAN bake/cook, as long as u have the interest.try.
When I saw the rory lion cake of you, Terri, the first time I thought:"Oh my Gosh, how flawless and beautiful the cake is! It's perfect for Leon's birthday!"
Thank you again for your recipe, your sincere mails and for posting my email, what a honour. I love your blog! What can be better than good food and travelling?
lily/ally: hey, thanks very much for ur mail n photos n comment. hugs n kisses to u n leon!
The baby is so adorable~~ :D
I love babies.. and toddlers *sigh*
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