
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sichuan Noodles

We've become addicted to Sichuan noodles. I make extra meat topping and buy the fresh noodles from a coffeeshop in Foh San and on the weekends the boys make a bowl of noodles for themselves whenever they feel like it.


Sichuan Noodles

1 kg fresh egg noodles (serves 5-6)
3/4 kg lean pork, minced
1/2 T ginger, minced
2 T garlic, chopped
2 T spring onions, cut fine
3 T light soy sauce
1/2 T dark soy sauce (optional)
3 T sweet bean sauce
salt & pepper
cornstarch solution (1 T cornflour + 3 T water)-optional

Serve with:
Sichuan peppercorn oil
Sichuan red chili oil
Sichuan suimiyacai (from box)
A boiled veg, such as beansprouts or other greens

1. Heat 4 T veg oil in wok, then add the Sichuan peppercorns and fry till fragrant, about 1 min. Discard the peppercorns, leaving the oil in the wok. Add the pork, ginger and garlic and fry, breaking up the meat. Add the soy sauce, bean paste, salt and pepper to taste.

2. Liquid will come out from the meat. Continue frying under medium heat until all the liquid dries up. Add the cornstarch solution if you like the meat topping to be moist.

2. Boil two large pots of water. Drop the noodles in, about 200g at a time, and quickly stir with chopsticks to separate the strands. When it boils again, stir it for 30 seconds or so (depends on the thickness of the noodles) then scoop it all in a large slotted spoon, run under cold water to wash off the gummy starch, then dip again in another pot of boiling water quickly (to heat it up) then scoop it all up again quickly and drain well. Put into a bowl, top with some meat, spring onions, the suimiyacai (a preserved veg) and the chili and peppercorn oils. Before eating, mix noodles and topping well.

Note: For soup noodles just add hot diluted chicken stock. I use Swanson's Chicken Broth, 1 can broth : 1 can water.
To prepare chili oil and Sichuan peppercorn oil, refer to post on garlic pork.


  1. Maybe I shud pass my maid your recipes so I can have some varieties other than steam egg, fried egg, boiled egg, duck egg, chicken egg, vege with egg, soup with egg, meat with egg?!!


  2. haiya Richard! Other thsn the eggs, you can try eating the chickens! But ur maid has got a point. The egg is the most convenient and versatile food God made, while instant noodles are man's best convenient food invention. I think.

  3. Picked up helpful tips here and there in this section. Thks. I remember reading somewhere in your blog that you wished KK beef noodle soup have bean sprouts in them. After tasting Asian style beef soups overseas which most seem to be saturated with bean sprouts and also a lot of them tasted yuckingly sweet, I can only say THANK GOD beef soups in KK do not have bean sprouts in them! And that they taste exactly as how beef soup should! Boy! don't I miss the beef soups in KK! No where else in the world does it like how it is in KK and I hope it stays that way! "Oh Malaysia!(KK), many things about you I may not like or agree with, but your food, your foooood.....I'm like a love-sick dog here in Melbourne just counting the days when I shall taste your food again, Oh! Malaysia!(KK)" KK boleh!

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