
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cynthia McCorkindale

Three years ago, while passing by a music CD shop, I heard a beautiful voice singing a French song. Since then, Cynthia McCorkindale's Bistro Blue has been my favorite CD to play on happy days and on nights when we have dinner parties.  My family knows that mom's in a happy mood if they hear Cynthia's songs. The CD has been taken from my car into the house and from the house into the car so many times that it's quite scratched by now. 10 out of the 11 tracks in Cynthia's Bistro Blue album are in French which I don't understand but somehow can sing along with, especially when driving alone. If you see me in my car and I'm dangerously oblivious to everything outside, rolling my shoulders, smiling and talking to myself, you can be sure I am singing and moving to Cynthia's songs. Cynthia has a beautiful voice and sings in a style that's  soothing, sensual, mellow, fun, capitvating (am I repeating?) and flirtatious, in an alluring but nice way. I'm not a musical person at all but my music taste is discerning and simple: whatever music that pleases  me, whatever music that moves my emotions, I'll enjoy it.

Two months ago, I received a mail from Cynthia McCorkindale.  Cynthia had found my mention of her Bistro Blue album in my post on my friend's wedding anniversary and wrote to thank me.  I checked her email address and found that it really was Cynthia who wrote, and I wrote back after which I was too excited to fall asleep all night. A few emails and weeks later, Cynthia sent me 4 CDs (2 of Bistro Blue and 2 of Meant To Be Blue, her first album which is filled with beautiful melancholic blues) with a hand-written note. I was SO touched. I love Cynthia's voice and music and to know that she actually took the time and trouble to send me her CDs just makes me feel so special and blessed.

Thank you, Cynthia, for your generoisity and kindness and for making my life happy through your songs. 

Here's Cynthia's La Mer (the sea), a song from Bistro Blue, a song that evokes feelings that I can't adequately describe. Happiness, fun, hope, all things good life promises. And oh, France and things French.  Which is what I'm looking forward to as I fly off to London (and Europe) in two hours. I'll be posting my travels for my own records and also to stay connected to you. Pray that the volcano shuts up & the euros to continue to fall :D. Au revoir!



  1. Her voice is beautiful, and so does she in persons.. going all the way to send you email and cds... so touched! I don't know much about french songs also. 1 of the song i love is Les Yeux Ouverts by Beautiful South. Both singers have magnetic voice. Once listen... you are "glued".

  2. What a beautiful voice, thank you for introducing me to her! She sounds like a lovely person too!

  3. oh wow! I love this! Hubby's going to flip when he hears this. He's a francophile and a huge fan of blues and jazz. I'll see if HMV or Amazon stock her CDs. Have a safe trip!

  4. Terri! I've started a new food blog! Something I've always wanted to do so am giving it a shot.

    Just got my first post up. Wish me luck :)



  5. Can I get this in Malaysia or Singapore? This song is so beautifully done! It also makes me want all things French! Thanks for sharing this.

  6. it is noce to know a wee bit of ou other side, so classy too! :) lovely!

  7. Beautiful voice, thanks for posting this video and sharing her with us all.

  8. Enchanting! Love this music! Thanks for sharing! I might have to get this for my ipod for those long hours on the road on the motorcycle.

  9. Hi, please i serching for mp3 songs of the bistro blue album, but i dont find in anyware, my girlfriend is crazy for Cynthia Mccorkindale...
    Please send the mp3 song email
    Thank you for your atention!
