
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday Flea Market In Delft

Delft comes alive on Saturdays with the farmers' market, flea market, town square activities and other shows all on at the same time. The flea market especially is worth a stroll because it covers many streets and there are thousands of things to see. I'm not a flea market person until now. There are so many beautiful items at incredibly low prices. I'm so tempted to ship a few boxes home.  I bought a quaint thermometer encased in wood for 2 euros, a ceramics plate & key hanger for 3 euros, a small ceramics plate of a Dutch boy & girl for 3 euros and a large wood & leather peg for 4.50 euros. The things are pretty, some are unusual and they are all cheap (eg a large copper bucket with blue & white ceramics handles for 7.50 euros!) but would be a problem to bring back. If my friend Su was here, she'd have shipped the whole market home. Linda too. Ladies, Wedgwood plates for 4.50 euros each and I didn't buy!









there was a school band performance in the main town square. When Yo visited, the weather in Delft was the worst I've experienced: rain, wind, miserable cold. Pity because a day after she left it turned warm and sunny, just beautiful.
Every Saturday, we buy fresh flowers at the farmers' market. When the stalls are about to close, flowers go as low as 1 euro a bunch. What a life. The large wooden peg that says 'Morgen' was about 4 euros. I love Delft.

That's a pretty small baby you got there.

Delft has lots of canals too. Look at the water level.

At the Vermeer Museum

Delft is famous for its blue and white pottery, something they copied from China a long time ago. Delft's most famous son is Johannes Vermeer, the guy who painted Girl With The Pearl Earring which is referred to as "Mona Lisa of the North". The painting hangs in The Hague.

vandermeer painting


  1. I cant believe the things they sell at flea markets in europe. one can go crazy. that was what the sigh was for..:D

  2. Hey Terri! You are on the roll, blogging almost every day. Love them all and Margaret would love this one. Not telling her. :o)

  3. Hi Terri

    Thank you for blogging. I was also in Amsterdam, Paris and all the places you have been this April. So excited because all the places are so beautiful, and I want to see more. Those are lovely pics you got there, and the Euros are in favour of you now. Keep updating your journey.

  4. Terri,

    I could not believe the amount of travel and adventure you are experiencing! You have always rattle on "what if you are in London etc". There you are, you are there for almost two months. You have made up for the lost times. Greetings from Brisbane! If I were you, I would have bought the entire Europe. By the way, how could you not buying anything from Prada and Todd Shop! That's my brand.

  5. Its Su here from Brisbane, at the moment. Shanna just got in for her last term boarding at St Peters. Shanna is pulling my hairs, she is not happy in boarding school and she is always brooding over this and that! Looks what mothers have to do and bear with. You have to be good in everything from motherhood to career excellent in this modern world. I rather be you, staying home and doing all this blogging and getting very famous and getting to know all these great friends over blogging. Cheers. Love Su.

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