
Friday, July 2, 2010

We are in Marseille. I,ve never been so worried about safety as I do now. This city is so dirty, old n seedy-looking, we,re told to always be careful because Asians are targets of mugging n stabbing; they think we,re all rich Japanese. I just want to get out of here asap n that,s not until tomorrow afternoon when we take the train to Genoa. Because we didn,t make bookings for accomodation, we are having a hard time finding them n I am really genuinely worried. Pls pray for us, this is not a pity story. We have no accomodation in Cinque Terre on 3 n 4 July, all full so we are thinking of making day trip from La Spezia but accomodation in La spezia is full too.

This is no longer fun. I never thought Europe would be so unsafe but apparently south Europe is. And it,s SO expensive. Two persons accomodation n food, on a very tight budget, would cost about 120 euros n with transport n incidentals about 150 euros so that,s RM480 to 600 PER DAY. In 10 days it,ll be RM5000 to 6000 n tt,s the minimum, other expenses not included. We are travelling 14 days. I am considering busking. Serious. But I don,t dance or sing. Maybe Yi can do tt n I,ll pass the hat around.


  1. Oh no!

    Just look mean and walk aggressively - never let them smell your fear.

    And in the remaining time, if you wanna save on accommodation, can always come to Luxembourg, stay with us and travel daily to the more civilised parts of France and Germany. :)

    But don't worry, everything will turn out perfectly fine. And you'll look back on this time with a smile in years to come.

    *praying for you and yi*

  2. Also, William says in Marseilles, please stay around the port area but steer very clear of the small streets.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Terri, my prayers are with you. Take good care and don't do something stupid like walking alone in the night or the sorts, ok? Take good care and don't let this stop mar your whole holiday. Busking? Try do what Mr Bean did, perhaps it will work? Cheers and God bless!

  5. sure sounds frightening! May God's protection be upon you guys at all times in this trip! Take care.

    Will pray for you.

  6. it's way cheaper to travel to Asia than Europe apart from the flight fare .
    It's the reason why every year I prefer spend all my summer vacations in Asia .
    But courage! soon enough all this will be history for you .Try to relax and make the most of your journey....


  7. sounds dangerous n frightening but you n Yi will be safe...god willing. dnt go out at nite n know where the nearest police station is I suppose.
    you'll be fine.

    busking? u can dance :)

  8. My prayers wre with you and Yi. Angels are surrounding you both.

  9. Terri, see if this site will help you with some hotel listing, take care!

  10. Hello! Hope you're fine now.
    Please, if you don't have find an accomodation in Genoa, visit the tourist office site(, there is a search for accomodations. Or when you arrive there, go to the Visitor Centre in via Garibaldi, they should find an accomodation for you. If you need help, Yi has got my phone number. I can try to find something for you!
    Take care.

  11. hi.. see if these sites help.

    Hope you find a place to stay in Cinque Terre :)

  12. Should have told you Marsiele is not a best place to visit in the Cote d'Azur area...
    since you already there, might as well make the best out of it. make sure you try the bouillabaise (fish soup) at the port area. The good one has a very thick soup base and lots of fish meat...

  13. Hôtel La Garrigue
    Address Route De L'appié
    Venasque, 84210
    Phone +33490660340
    Fax +33490666143
    Travel information For personalized driving directions please go to

    check the above if it helps.
    Keep your eyes on Jesus, He is faithful.

  14. Will definitely pray for you, Terri. Keep safe and get out of there asap. Are you able to get on a train to Aix or Avignon? It's a quick train ride away and extremely safe.

  15. I am following your blog daily.
    Worried to hear about Marseilles... last morning. Hoping to see some new updates whether you are in safe hands.


  16. Do remember that Marseille is a very large city, and as with any large city you need to take big-city precautions. Labeling the whole of southern Europe, or southern France for that matter, unsafe because you felt uncomfortable in a large city is rather unfair. Perhaps in the future you'll get to go to the small towns and countryside in the area and change your mind.

  17. I enjoy your blog, especially the food photos.
    I feel like you overreacted here...every city has good and not so good neighborhoods (I agree that Marseilles is not a very nice city)....but in order to have a less stressful experience, about the places you're going to visit, your lodgings, and overall expenses, the best thing to do is do a lot of research and plan ahead (especially when traveling in the summer months when demand is higher and places charge more). I love Europe, I am Asian, and have never felt unsafe there. That being said; use sound judgment and stay alert! -- Good luck with the rest of your trip
