
Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm swallowing a bitter pill, so bitter I can't even cry although I feel like it. It looks like I've lost all my photos taken in Switzerland (Mt Titlis was the worst tourist trap ever), Vienna (I tried both Demel and Hotel Sachertorte's sachertorte), Venice (the most touristy place of all Europe but so beautiful), Verona (nice little town), Liechtenstein (too small to have anything outstanding), Milan and some of Budapest. I am very upset and unhappy about it, especially since I kept asking the person who transferred the photos to be very sure before deleting any folders. I'm not good at these things and too nervous and made the mistake of trusting it to someone who's careless.

We had bad luck in that a new 16 gig card malfunctioned, forcing us to have to upload photos into a laptop for extra memory space and that's where all the trouble started.

What I've learnt is 1) it's best to use memory cards of smaller capacity so that should the card malfunction or is lost, you limit your loss.

                            2) if you bring many cards, number them and put all in one box, not many boxes like I did.

                            3) the best thing to do, if possible, is to bring a hard drive and save or copy all your photos into it, just to be safe.

There's still some hope that I can get some photos out of the malfunctioned card, photos taken by my Hub. That's the fourth thing I learnt: it's good to have a backup photographer.

Fifth, never trust somebody else, do it yourself. that's my bitter lesson.


  1. Commiserations. Reminds of our wedding day. Those once in a lifetime events ... Glad you have SOME left.

  2. oh boy, do I know how you feel. My external hard drive (back up) died and I've backed up everything in there. It wasn't until I finally spoke to my techie brother that I managed to salvage everything. so now, I back up the back up. Excuse the pun.

  3. AWWW Im so sorry but at least u'llhave some. I know how you feel. we really need back ups for back ups!

  4. Hi Terri, indeed it is the worse thing that could ever happened. I think I've said this before but will say it once more. Bring a laptop or another storage device and download your photos everyday! I even backup with my thumb drive and when it comes to things like these, you can never be too careful. Oh well, more excuse for you to go back again with a better camera ;)

  5. met: oh no, wedding photos...

    ccc:u were lucky, you can't feel what i'm feeling *sob*

    zurin: *sob*

    john: smbody had a laptop n did a careless, irresponsible job n still deny it. i just discovered tt more photos taken in florence are gone. n tt person is acting like i've overreacted.

  6. johnathan: i would not bring a laptop unless it's for work bc i like to travel light n a laptop is extra liability, subject to theft in the hotel n is considered an extra piece of luggage on budget airlines. so a hard drive's still best.

  7. Hi Terri, whatever works I guess? What about a netbook then? Florence photos are gone? Geez, I am looking forward for that too as I am soo wanting to go Florence on my next trip and yes, it is super upsetting when someone did something wrong but gave the impression that we overeacted. I realised that is the common thing in Asia where not many will apologise when they did something wrong but instead try to divert their folly to something else to escape responsibility... sigh~
