
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hungarian Goulash

Since we only had a day and night in Budapest, we didn't get to eat many meals there. What we did eat and loved was Hungarian goulash. We ate goulash stew and soup in Prague, Czech Republic, but the goulash in Hungary was the best, especially in a bistro in downtown Budapest.

My Documents15
Some kind of bread. Was okay, nothing special.



Wooden hand-painted egg cups, about 1 euro each. Souvenirs are cheapest in Hungary, I found, so I grabbed a few of these.

We had lunch near the Matthias Church on Castle Hill.

A very yummy goulash soup. I prefer goulash soup to goulash stew. Goulash is tasty, hearty and the perfect comfort food on a cool day.

The best paprika comes from Hungary. At meals, paprika sauce is served, not the powder. The sauce is light to medium-hot, just nice in a soup.

Paprika chicken was okay, but not as good as the goulash.

The apple strudel was very disappointing. The whole meal with a beer was about 3400 HUF/US$17/RM54 but this was in a tourist spot.

And now something for the guys. I've found the Hungarian girls to be the most feminine so far. Pretty. Tick. Sexy. Tick.Well-dressed. Tick. If the Hungarians are so hot,  I can't wait to see Romanian girls. Look at how they dominate the magazine covers and runways. I especially like their skin color, the slight tilt in their almond eyes and their feminity.

This photo was taken intentionally but the next two I found among the photos I took.



We loved Hungarian goulash soup so much that we decided that's what we wanted for dinner, especially since we only had 30 minutes before the tour bus arrived. This was the best goulash soup, I highly recommend this place which is near Saint Stephen's Basilica.


The best Hungarian goulash, 720 HUF/US$3.70 /RM11.50 per bowl, including bread (very good and I welcome the  change from the hard crusty baguette).



  1. I was there 5 days and I didn't spot any hand painted egg, the bread you posted, nor they served me the chilli when I eat out... The gulash is the best in Budapest, but just too big a portion for one. I love the Bableves, a variation of gulash with soup and bean, perfectly make up a light meal.

  2. Hey, you wanted some pics from Cinque terre. So where should I send the link to, I have a bunch of them so maybe you want to go through themselves and see which one you wanna download?


  3. the bread looks like Tatlin's building.

    and the soup looks good. ahh. i miss europe so much.

  4. *salivating*.. hmmm.. i think it's time for me to cook some goulash soon.. nothing at all like the real thing but the best i can do! :)

  5. malaymui: you were there 5 days. so lucky!tt's strange, they served us the paprika sauce w/o us asking for it. i think we look hungarians:D i've not heard of bableves until now but i am inclined to think tt hungarian soups are very very yum

    jennie: em, do you have a blog or anywhere i can check the photos? failing tt, you can send to my email kwng08@gmaildotcom

    yi: you must be studying too hard

    timjaymom: have you got a good goulash recipe? i can give you some paprika in exchange:))

  6. Hey Terri, I´ve just tried the bread too, few days ago in Salzburg. It was really good coz the one I tried had pretty amazing wood taste to it and apparently, it is how it is made. Dough wrapped or layered around some special wood before sending them to bake and thus, the shape of the bread.
