
Monday, October 4, 2010

Roma Day 1, cont,


My Documents32
We found Gioliti, a gelato place also recommended by Rick Steves. The place was stuffed with tourists. Gioliti is the oldest gelateria in Rome. The gelato was good but not the best we've eaten.

Pretty & yummy fresh fruits tarts.

The pastries (a pine nut tart, a ricotta tart and a mini stogliatelle napoletana, very delicious) were very good. Italian pastries are so rustic and homey but best of all they are delicious.

Refreshed, we proceeded to the Trevi Fountain and goose bumps just ran along my arms, seeing the famous fountain for the first time. Yi and Cheryl as usual did their squeals and "I don't believe it! I don't believe I'm here!" rituals of grabbing each other and jumping.

Trevi Fountain


I think my wish was "I wish to be happy always!"

Spanish Steps. Yi & Cheryl outdone by the amorous couple.

One nice thing about Rome is that the city is easy to walk in and everywhere you go there are monuments, churches and famous structures. From the Trevi Fountain, we went to another famous spot, the Spanish Steps. The Spanish Steps are exactly that, steps. People sit on the steps watching other people and vendors sell roasted chestnuts, fake bags and red roses especially to the guys to give to their girlfriends. Hub wouldn't buy the roses and the guy said he was giving the roses to us for free, pushing the roses into our hands and as we started to walk away, he asked us for money so we gave the flowers back. There was no way I would willingly let them trick me. Later that night as our taxi sent us to the metro next to the Spanish Steps, the steps were filled with young people dancing, all doing the same moves, to loud music blaring in the cool night air. I wondered if Lord Bryon, who used to live in the light orange building on the right of the above photo, would be inspired by that scene because I found it very cool.

We ended the day at one of Rome's famous squares, Campo de Fiori. There were so many recommended restaurants and I finally chose one that was off the square, also highly recommended by Rick Steves. We had to wait about 20 minutes to be seated. We ordered whatever other people were having and I suspect most of them were there because of Rick because they were eating whatever Rick recommended in his book, Best Of Europe.


Every dish here (I've forgotten the name of the restaurant) was 5 euros. In the northern parts of Europe like Amsterdam, a lot of mayo is served but in the southern countries, it's always olive oil. The only place we were served butter with bread was London.  I think most of the dinners at this restaurant were Americans who got there because of Rick's book. This is confirmed by the butter for the bread.

Cannellini beans with shavings of parmesan cheese.

Marinated mushrooms and peppers.

Veg fritto misto, tempura-like battered veg.

Everybody was eating what I thought was some kind of ordinary fried battered fish, 5 euros each piece.  I found it rather tasteless. It was only when I went through my photos that I saw the sign 'filetti di baccala' above the door of the restaurant. We ate baccala in Barcelona and it was tasteless too. I've come to the conclusion that baccala is an acquired taste, an acquired taste of bland fish that is. It was officially summer (1st June) and puntarella was not served anymore (it was still available the day before) so we had a simple baby greens salad. Bummer.

Campo de Fiori. The music was classic Italian and I remember thinking, "If only this moment can last forever!"


  1. so much do u, hub and yi maintain in shape after so much food, both on and off trip? i always wonder how much food bloggers really eat and how they maintain!

  2. Looks wonderful! I have never had a bad meal in Italy yet. In fact, I once had the best sandwich of my life at an Italian truck stop, of all places!

  3. not fara away from Rome is Pompeii..
