
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hasselback Potatoes

Hasselback potatoes

I was searching for a recipe for Chinese steamed muffins (fatt koh) when I stumbled upon this beautiful site. I sifted through some pages and the photos for Swedish 'accordian' potatoes, also called Hasselback potatoes, caught my fancy and I made them straightaway.

How did I like them? I thought they were good but I prefer crashed hot potatoes. Still, give them a try. Don't stop at using garlic, salt and pepper.  Vary the seasonings with herbs (rosemary, chives), bacon, cheese, sour cream, whatever. I think they are better if they are put under the grill for the last 5 to 10 minutes to crisp their edges up. Mine weren't grilled long enough because hungry people were waiting at the table. I've made slight changes to the recipe but you get the drift; this is just baked potatoes by a different shape.


Hasselback Potatoes
6 large potatoes, skin on & preferably longish and tapered at the ends
2 T melted butter and/or olive oil
sea salt (Maldon, if you can find it)
freshly ground black pepper
4-5 garlic cloves, sliced very thinly, or even garlic powder
herbs if like

1. Oven at 220 C. Scrub potatoes, turn them until they sit well and then slice thinly almost through (about 3/4 down).

2. Insert the garlic randomly among the potato slices, brush with the butter/oil/ both, season with salt and pepper. You can do all that with the potatoes on a baking tray or you can put them on the oven rack.

3. Bake 40 to 60 minutes (depending on the size of the potatoes), finishing them to a golden brown in the last 5 to 10 minutes under the grill. If you like some cheese on them, add it just before grilling. Fan the potatoes out a bit by running a fork across their tops. Brushing more oil on pretty them up too. Serve hot.


  1. They look amazing don't they, wow what a great way to cook a potato.

  2. the potatoes look great!

    i can smell them from here. these are another thing i have sworn off for the last 4 months, because last year i ate way too many of them, and i was approaching the status of a beached whale.

    terri, your pictures and posts always inspire me and make me hungry for all the things that are soooooooo good.

    so, to satisfy my craving i wrote down a recipe for a potato dish in hopes of stifling my urge to inhale one or two of them.

    you can find it here:

    it may seem involved on the first reading, but it actually is not a difficult task, just takes a bit of time, a little finesse, and caution during the process.

    with the holidays coming up they make a great side dish for roasts of any kind.

  3. Wow! I am trying this! Thank you so much!

  4. In case you don't have Maldon, I can get them for you! Let me know before Friday.

  5. aj: yes, amzing how the same thing can be cooked in so many ways n taste n look so diff. brilliant veg.

    lg: u are so encouraging *hugs* i will def have to cook tt for the holidays, yes!

    jess: hi jess! you areally ARE a potato lover bc the only times i ever get to hear frm you is when i post on potatoes :D

    gerrie: oh gerrie, tt's so nice of you to offer but it's sunday; i've forgotten to check comments. where r you?

  6. hi terri, am already in KK. Not to worry, will somehow get it for you real soon.

  7. oh, forgot...I have sourdough starter with me if you're interested. It's a mixed "breed" now, was a San Franciso starter, but I've renamed it FranBornean© Sourdough starter.
