
Monday, November 29, 2010

More Of Rome

Small cars are de rigueur in Europe and especially in Italy. After Europe, I am thinking of down-sizing my car.

Mr Bean was here.

This car fits one person only! Now if only everybody drives such cars in the cities, there'll be no parking problems and maybe even road fatalities. It's like driving a go-kart.

A walk in Trastevere is absolutely necessary, if you visit Rome. This is the old Roman district, where families still live and the corner stores are still operated by moms and pops.

Look at what bougainvillas can look like.

Whenever I saw them, I'd buy them, the large oval cherry tomatoes that are so sweet and bursting with tomato flavor. 

A coffee and an Italian pastry--heaven.

There are lots of buskers in the streets of Trastevere, such as this artist who could do a painting in 10 minutes, using spray cans and stencils.

Night life in Trastevere is fun, romantic, charming and totally what I imagined Italy would be.

This simple spaghetti with ragu (bolognese) sauce was excellent. What made it better than my ragu sauce was 1) there was less meat 2) fresh tomatoes and puree were used instead of paste, giving a fresher, lighter taste and 3) the pasta was very al dente.

1 comment:

  1. mmm could almost eat those tomatoes...

    looking forward to seeing u soon...
