
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Yihu Restaurant, Shanghai

This was a fantastic dinner we had in Shanghai hosted by Hub's cousin HuiLing and his wife Mingtze, who flew in from Windsor, Ontario.

Yihu Restaurant is new and there were some hiccups and mix up with the dishes but generally, the food was great with some improvement needed in the desserts. The portions were smaller than in most restaurants but that's always the case when restaurants go nouvelle. Since there were so many dishes, I'll post the cold ones first. Just looking at the dishes makes me hungry (more so when I'm dieting to loose the weight before I go yet again on another eating spree the second week of December). When I look at the photos and see how many dishes I ate in one week in SH, I still can't believe that I can eat so much. Some of the banquet meals were back to back, lunch and dinner on the same day.

Duck's tongues. I found the flavor too, well, tongue-y.

Deep fried fish in a sticky sweet sauce. Yum.

Anything with Shao xin hua tiao wine is good and chicken feet is crunchy and fun to eat. Especially drunken ones.

Boiled soy beans in Shao xin hua tiao wine. Addictive.

You should recognize this by now. Pumpkin and red dates is a quintessential Shanghainese cold dish.

If ever looks are misleading, this is it because the preserved veg was amazing in flavor. I could eat the whole plate myself. Ohh!

I've forgotten what this was. I think it was lamb ribs.

One of my fave dishes, bean curd sheets with a mushroom stuffing.

A lovely and delicious dish of stir-fried 'golden needles', lily flower buds.

Eel rolls, delicate and tasty.


  1. Terri, yopu are so blessed and more food in DEC? Where are you going?

  2. melbourne. it's time i paint melbourne red :D
