
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Party Play, Lintas

My wish has come true. Now there's a place for sandwiches worthy for my alimentary canal. There aren't any good delis in this big town small city and the only places for a decent sandwich are the 5-star hotels where a sandwich with drinks can set you back by RM50/USD16.40.

Party Play has come to the rescue, with set meals at RM12.90/USD4.20 which can be a sandwich or pasta or curry that comes with a small salad, a dessert and a drink. I've been to PP twice this month and each time my craving was for their sandwich set.

PP's very delicious sandwich is loaded and large enough to feed two small eaters. The set sandwich comes with a nice Caesar salad but a better replacement (which they allow) is PP's house salad, which is loaded with pine nuts and other goodies and a divine dressing. Pity though that the salad greens are finely cut up and confined to a small bowl, making them soggy.  PP's baguettes are extremely crispy-crusty and thin-skinned; they remind me of Spanish flat baguettes, unlike the thick-skinned baguettes in many hotels (Hyatt for example), which are made for prehistoric men with sharpened canines. PP's baguettes are for tai tais.

Creamy mushroom pasta, very tasty. I stand corrected by MG, who said the cream was too runny and she's right. I only had two bites of my friend's pasta.

Sticky date pudding, RM10/USD3.30. Hmm. This one's tricky. While the flavor's great, I'm not sure about the texture, which was sticky, gummy and very much like a pudding. You know how it's like with first great  impressions of food/boyfriends/dogs: you measure all subsequent ones against them. My first sticky date pudding was warm and cake-like and I think that's the way I like it.

The set meals came with green tea tiramisu which all my friends enjoyed but which I thought was just okay. I'm suddenly tired of the wet soft texture of tiramisu. But I do like PP's desserts. Quality. Taste. Simple presentation (that's a mini macaron on the tiramisu). Affordable. I also liked that their desserts are not too sweet. I'm making this my regular lunch joint.

Party Play
Lot 21-0
Lorong Lintas Plaza 3,
Lintas Plaza, 88300
Kota Kinabalu

--to locals, this means PP is diagonally across from Bake With Me. You should know where that is.

Tel: 088 218 210

p.s. PP's set lunches are value for money. Otherwise, expect to pay as much as other western restaurants.


  1. Dare I say that...BACON I see in the set sandwich? If it is I'll be rushing over there tomorrow to order it!

    I ordered the sticky date pudding too on two separate occasions. The first time it was perfect with a great texture, second time I too found it gummy and pudding like. I wish they could get it right and stay consistent. Still, Party Play is definitely a welcome addition to KK's small cafe scene.

    Love your blog by the way!
    Cheers, Tea

  2. Son and his friend find that the carbonara pasta taste abit sweet and the sauce abit runny. Have tasted PP's chocolate fondant for the 3rd time, only at tonight's dinner I found it superbly good. Hope to bump into you again when we Next visit PP.


  3. I've been there 7 times since that lunch and I've had every dessert item on the menu. Hahahhahaha

  4. looks good, most especially the bread. if you are going to build sandwiches you need a good foundation.

    suggest to them that they flat grill the bread with a bit of garlic butter (or use a Pannini grill) and then slather it with Bearnaise Sauce, then top it with MR thinly sliced Roast Beef and water cress, no cress use arugula (rocket).

    if they do this not not put the filling in when grilling, only the bread is to be toasted warm, the greens should be chilled to remain crispy.

    my fav.

    BTW: funny thing, the word verification for this post is "cookin". what a coincidence.)

  5. teaspoon: i'm not sure about the bacon. it could be one of those wannabe bacon, beef 'bacon'.

    love your blog too, keep it up. n welcome to kk!

    mg: yes, agree it was runny. tasted very good tho but yes, it would taste even better if cream was thicker.

    why is it called choc fondant when it shd be molten choc cake?

    fooman:get membership ah.

    lunchguy: i mean the salad in the bowl, not in the sandwich.have told the owner, dominic, about it so i hope he makes some improvements on the salad.

  6. They have membership?
    I got the Chub's Grill T shirt already! Hahah.

    So, our project how? Maybe we just go around and show you eating? Heheh

  7. terri u wrote - lunchguy: i mean the salad in the bowl, not in the sandwich.have told the owner, dominic, about it so i hope he makes some improvements on the salad.

    you did make your self clear, i understood that completely. it is also a peeve of mine.

    i was referring to making grilled sandwiches. possibly it was all lost in "translation". tell your friend dominic the only people who chop their greens so small is burger joints like McDonalds for burgers or for wrap sandwiches. maybe you can shame him into doing it correctly. :-)

  8. fooman: i was so tempted after watching tt vid, so well made n i;m very sure u can do the same thing just as well. but i'm shy so i think i'll take a rain check...

    fresh: oh, ok, i'll read ur comment again. always appreciate ur tips bro:D

  9. We set a personal record RM260+ bill last night for 22 people at Party Play! Haha.
    Not crazy about RM3 for water though. Seems out of synch with the rest of the menu considering Coke and Ice Lemon Tea are also RM3.
