
Monday, August 15, 2011

No Manners

I was googling images of my red lentils and barley soup and found it but it was linked to another website, not mine! This is not the first website that copied my posts. Your posts might be stolen too. I find it so irritating and downright rude of people who copy other people's work and get the credit for it.  I cooked, took photos and spent time posting my recipes. I feel robbed. I wanted to close this blog.

Apparently the reason people steal other people's work is to make money from the advertisements. They usually maintain many websites using material from other people. You can tell they intentionally copy for their gain because they will not have personal info and contact on their blogs. (whatever that means), shame on you.


  1. she is horrible. she even copy your post on this again. i wonder why do they even blog when they can't write themselves. Such a disgrace.

  2. These people are insane. She or he posted this very post too! GRRRRRRRRRRR

  3. These people are pest and I hate it too! Report them to google under report abuse at your navbar.

  4. I wonder if she/he had to setting on the blog that auto post up someone blog post into his/her blog ""?
    Can that be done?
    Coz even the post day is the same as the original owner too!

  5. pavlova post is here too

  6. Do a whois search of the domain name and you should be able to find the identity and contact information of the site owner. That's one way you'd be able to send an email to them to let them know how shameful and unscrupulous they are.

  7. must be something with the setting? It appears that all of your posts appear there. Weird.

  8. I googled about it. It's called hotlinking, whatever you posts will appear in that blog. Below link might give you some ideas. Sorry I wish I could help you prevent it but I am not tech savvy :( You should watermark all your photos.

  9. Linda Ong, that's magnificent investigative work. Now that we know what this thievery is called, we can start googling for remedies. Terri, you will need to take steps to prevent hotlinking because from what I've read, hotlinking doesn't just steal your ideas and hard work but also your bandwith.

  10. janice, zurin: i know, i saw it after you guys commented and i had to laugh at the absurdity of it!

    anncoo: i went into tt but it takes a bit of time to fill the forms...

    vamp: am wondering too

    linda: thnx for the work! i thought of watermarking my photos but it won't deter such sites. i wrote a comment too and there is no reply so i don't think the thief maintains the blog, it just automatically posts from the selected sites. i don't know what to do. am sort of tired of these sort of things.

    bookwombat: what happens when my bandwidth is stolen? i hav no idea about these things:(

    ming: it won't make a diff! they'll just go on copying. i;ve seen my posts in other sites b4:( well i guess the diff would be whoever reads the post can link back to me if they are curious enough but these thieves would still benefit from my posts.i feel kind of defeated. maybe i shd stop blogging. it's been many years alrdy.

  11. Omg that is SHOCKING. I really don't like how things like these make ppl start to feel so self conscious about blogging that somewhere, someone out there may or may not be stealing from you without your own knowledge. So unsafe! And what a horrible feeling, to bear the looming risk of this happening at the back of your mind.

    I truly hope someone does something about this. Let us know what we can do to help. Hope this doesn't put you off blogging too much! Cheering you on =)

  12. I am one of the unfortunate ppl who's blog is being copied by this person. I dont know why they do it... it's ridiculous and disgusting. I never used to watermark my photos, but I do now simply for ppl who happen to stumble on that blog know that the actual writer is not her/him. What's really bad though is some ppl actually retweet blog urls from bonology and thanking them for writing such good blogs.

  13. OMG, I had no idea such thing existed. The absurdity of it all. I suppose that since they're stupid enough to hotlink your blog, your next post should be "bonology, you're stealing my work. "

  14. on a more positive note, I doubt many read this blog. I've mentioned about this via twitter. Not happy about the unscrupulous practice of this scumbag. Terri, don't let an annoying insect stop you from blogging. You have A LOT of followers. I for one will be very disappointed if I don't get my weekly dose of your wisdom or cooking.

  15. Don't let such people stop what u r doing as u still have lots of regular readers

  16. My heart almost leapt out of my chest when I read your post because I made your lentil soup and posted it in my blog. Then I remembered I created a link to your blog instead of posting the recipe. Phew.

    The lentil dish turned out great btw. Thanks!

  17. sorry to hear that terri.

    We can't control what wrong others might do, but we can keep doing what we think is right. Please keep your blog going, though I am totally hopeless in kitchen, I enjoy reading every byte of your blog posts and photos!! cheers!!

  18. thanx, friends:) i checked the site today n my latest post is there again. it's scary. it's kinda like being stalked.makes me rethink about posting photos of myself n family.

    watermarking will not stop these sites bc they don't care if ppl know they are stealing. i read up a bit on bandwidth stealing, still am not sure exactly how it affects the original site, but whatever it is, these copycat sites gain materially from copying.

    i am cautiously posting again bc i'm refocusing on my i started blogging in the first place (read my forst post!): i like to share my cooking experiments, i keep in touch with friends, i learn some about the computer n internet by blogging (couldn't switch on comp w/o shouting for help b4 i got into blogging), i post for posterity (one day i may be senile) and i truly enjoy meeting new friends, in person or online.

    so yes, i will continue. but that recipe on sandakan's famous cow pie tart? i have the original recipe from the shop and was going to share. now i'm keeping it because i don't want it all over those copycat sites!

  19. Bandwidth stealing affects how much information can be transferred within a given amount of time. I'm not sure if people clicking on your posts or photos at the impostor's blog would affect how the information is transferred from your blog here but I have noticed that recently when I try to view your blog, it doesn't download as quickly as before. It might not be related but you just never know. I do know that other Blogger users have complained about hotlinking in the forum but there's nothing they can do about it because hotlinking is not a violation of the TOS. :(

  20. Please don't stop blogging. Your blog is one of the few bright spots of my day. I'm a Sabahan in the US and reading about your recipes, your trips, your parenting experiences brings KK so much closer to me. Remember that karma is a b***h and what goes around comes around. That thief will soon get theirs.

  21. bookw: tt's so frustrating. so mean of whoever is doing this.i otice they are taking posts off a big blogger, smitten kitchen. wonder what she'll do about it. i guess in the end they know there's nothing much we can do:(
    surely there are ways to stop hotlinking. software ppl would know. this really dampens my passion for blogging.

  22. Hi Terri,
    I can feel how frustrating you are. But please don't stop posting. I love your blog!

  23. Please don't stop blogging. I love your blog :)

    From what I read, there is a way to prevent it but unfortunately it will not work on blogger hosted blog. Maybe you should move out of blogger and get your own domain.

    I found a good article about hotlinking and bandwidth theft.

    sorry for keep posting links :P

  24. pls dont close your blog... EVER!
    i m your avid fan! i even notice the improvement tat you suggested on the pow recipe! which i m enternally grateful for. I loved the prev dough recipe..and i can only say tat i will be delighted that it can be improved further. muacks lots!

  25. Hey you have a great site, only just found you through your Nanbantei post. I'm adding you to my Malaysian blogger blogroll (I'm Malaysian too, but live in Singapore).

    Wow this thievery is incredible, and it's still continuing!! That person also copied wholesale your Star's Cocoa & Co post too.

  26. I feel mad too, I am so sorry for you, please feel better soon.

  27. The bigger the tree, it more wind it will attract(As the chinese going says). I supposed if it can be stopped, it would've been stopped but it has been ongoing. Kinda reminded me of the post that you published long ago about opening up your private life to God-knows-who on the internet world... I concurred with you that it is indeed scary.

    My advice, if number of HITS doesn't bother you, perhaps you could create another blog and re-route your reader there because usually verbatim jobs like these are made by web-bots (something like that) and they are incapable to think unlike your loyal readers ;) and let these web-bots think that you didn't post any new post anymore.

  28. joh: but if i move to another site, the same thing can happen. the only way to stop it is with some software. now tt's the hard part.

  29. Hi, my friend sent an email to google to lodge a complaint because her blogs was one of the victims of this same site. Apparently google responded very quickly to her reply. There's more information here which she advises we should take cause if more ppl make this complaint, you get more authority to shut the site down...

    hope this helps

  30. The site that copy everything from you seriously is one mess up site! Please do not give up blogging your recipes! It's hard to avoid things happened this way. I love your blog and your recipe! Keep up the hard work! We know "A Daily Obsession" & "Hunger Hunger"! But we don't know that TOTAL MESS UP site!

  31. If we take something from another site we should add a note about the site and the author or quote the content.

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