
Friday, September 23, 2011

Royal Selangor Pewter Challenge

A beautiful gift set of two designer jelly moulds, an Olympus camera, recipe cards of jelly creations by top chefs and a RSP Pink Ribbon apron from Royal Selangor Pewter.

So the cat's out of the bag. I just clicked on the link which Royal Selangor Pewter (RSP) had provided in its email today and here's the list of 10 international bloggers invited for RSP's Pink Ribbon "Get Your Jelly On' competition.

My arms went weak as I clicked checked out the list of bloggers for the competition. My scalp contracted. I couldn't breath for a second. They are all better than me! Their photos are better, their posts are better, one of them has nearly 7,000 followers and was a contestant in the Australian MasterChef (oh come on, he should be in a different category!) and one has over 5 million clicks! 5 million! I'll get 5 million in 10 years!

I am shaking as I type now. Can I back out? I don't mind sending the gift pack back. I can always buy my own RSP jelly moulds. I don't have to make a fool of myself. And I don't have to appear in front of a crowd and make jelly should I win. DANG! I don't need this stress! And jellies aren't even my thing. I love jellies but I haven't made many. What have I gotten myself into?!

So dear readers friends (you've got to be my friend!), here's where you come in. Send me your ideas, recipes, advice...anything. Tell your friends about this blog too--I need the clicks badly because the number of clicks matter too in this competition, especially the clicks on the RSP banner. Remember to visit this blog daily because there'll be a post everyday for the month of October!


  1. Go Terri go!!!
    You can do it.... I visit your blog almost daily - now I'll visit many more times a day ;-) You can do it - we (your loyal readers) believe in you :-)

  2. Heh, I feel *exactly* the same way! But you know what: I'm only competing against myself, to push myself to get better at jelly-making and photo-taking.

    The hardest challenge of all, I think, is to blog 30 days in a row.
    I don't think any of the other bloggers have, either. So that makes us equal in that sense.

    Good luck to all participants. I look forward to your creations. Let the jelly-making commence!

  3. Good luck Terri! You've my support:D

  4. You can do it! Did I miss something there? I had a look and it said you had to come up with creative ways of using the jelly mould. Not specifically make jelly based recipes on it or did I misinterpret it?

  5. Hi Terri,
    You've got guts, lady! :) Funny shout box and I'll totally come here everyday and click around..


  6. woohoo... you can do it, it's only jelly right? furthermore is for the awareness and support of october pink for the breast cancer, how noble!

  7. Terri, I feel exactly the same way when I saw the list. I nearly pengsan. I am cracking my head now on what I can do with the moulds. Like Annie said, the hardest part of it will be blogging for 30 days. Oh well, I can't back out now so good luck to all of us. Looking forward to see your creations.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. jackie: thanx thanx thanx! i hate to disappoint you so i'll try my best!

    nateannie: hi! i love your blog n the recipes. i've wanted to make poh piah skin forever but nvr got arnd to doing it but now with your vid i just might attempt it.
    RSP said we can break the posts up so we can have little breathers in between. besides there are two of u so it's only 15 posts each as compared to me! it's also best to start working now bc the recipes may not work. i made smthing last night n had to eat it/throw it out. oh dear. i wanted to loose 2 kgs...yes, good luck to you too:)))

    fooman: don't do that to me ahh. who's 'we'--the whole sabah pop?? i'm shaking, can't breath!

    anncoo: oh u r so sweet! thanx! u must give me some tips bc u r good at jellies!

    jinkar: yes we can do other stuff with it but not baking bc the moulds will not withstand high temp. they are so beautiful i fear using them:)) thanx dear for ur support!

    jasmine: lol. i like to post whatever i feel. it was about having to babysit my son as he goes thru SPM. i realized after u mentioned it tt it could be misundertood, btw, are u jasmine jasmine, u know, the super efficient jasmine who lives in the nicest house in kk?

    malaymui: only jelly? i fear jelly! yes, tt's one of the reasons i took it on, bc it's for cancer research. must do our part.breasts. we have tt.

    icook: lol. "pengsan" i think it's best to start now. make a list of what you want to make. practice.about the daily posts, they said we can break them up. fillers. good luck, i'm sure you'll come up with amazing stuff!

  10. Woohoo...Terri! :PP i cant imagine blogging for 30 days straight like Annie said.(i have trouble waking up 30 days straight).. But if there is anyone i know who can do it...I know YOU can! Go Terri....woohoo... ill check you out everyday

  11. I did not take up this challenge when i received the invitation, i dont think i can survive this kind of tough 30days challenge..I dont make jelly that Good Luck to you, I will visit your blog daily to support you..

  12. Congratulation Terri! You've my support too. good luch & looking forward to your OCT daily upload.

  13. Woo hoo! you can do it Terri. Get your Jelly on! I'll be crossing fingers, toes and eyes for you. Best of luck :)

  14. Mini croquembouche ala Adriano Zumbo! Just watched Masterchef AU 1! :D

    Good luck in your quest, Terri!

  15. Good luck, Terri! Is this jelly what we (in the US) call "jello"?

  16. You're great! I love reading your blog n will pop in everyday to check on those yummy jellies!

  17. I have faith in you Terri. Gambatte! You can do it! I will visit you everyday!

  18. GO GO GO!!
    When the going gets tough, the tough get going!!

  19. Wish I was the super efficient Jasmine, but I'm the San Jose via Penang one! :)

    So what jellies are you doing? The shape of the mould lends some suggestions.. A jelly that looks like a Christmas tree? A snow-capped mountain? A Nasi Lemak package? An ice -cream cone? Madonna's famous gold coned bra? :D

    Sorry for the last, my mind just free-associated hehe!

  20. A few more ideas - a jelly with edible flowers? I think it would look really pretty, like a spring bouquet! And a savoury California Roll sushi-jelly? Don't ask me how to do that, I'm just floating the ideas, you do the heavy moulding! :P

  21. I just read through from your most recent post to this one and I am so impressed. Don't knock yourself. Your blog and your creations are AMAZING!! Good luck!
