
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Poached Pears Wine & Mascarpone Jelly

                                                          "Whine and Dine"

I think there's some confusion here. The good folks at RSP confirmed that it's not necessary to blog a recipe daily for the Jelliriffic! Challenge; posts can be broken up and as long as there's a post daily, there's no contravention of the rules. But every other blogger has put up a recipe post daily so far so I guess I should just keep up. Here's my Poached Pear Wine and Mascarpone Jelly.


                        Creamy mascarpone jelly on top and refreshing jelly of pear-poaching wine at the                       bottom.


I didn't know what to do with the poaching liquid from poaching pears but they disappeared pretty quickly. Everyday, my son Wey would come home from school, plonk a poached pear into a glass and fill it up with the poaching liquid. He said that it was delicious without ice cream or fancy creme caramel. I ate the last one before he did and as usual, the boy was right. It was delicious.

I still prefer Wey's poached pears in their liquid to this jelly but I'll post the recipe anyway just in case you want to serve the liquid this way.

Poached Pears Wine & Mascarpone Jelly
The Wine Jelly:
1/2 tsp (a little bit less if in cold weather) gelatine powder
2 tbsp water
120 ml poaching liquid (room temp)
caster sugar if necessary
1. Sprinkle the gelatine over the water in a small metal pot and heat gently until all the gelatine is dissolved. Cool.
2. Add the poaching liquid to the gelatine, stir well and pour into a rinsed RSP Nick Munro mould. Carefully put the mould into a bowl wide enough to allow the mould to be tilted without spilling. Chill in the fridge.

The Mascarpone Jelly:
1/2 t gelatine
2 tbsp water
1 1/2 to 2 tbsp caster sugar (to taste)
2 tbsp mascarpone
50 ml whipping cream, whipped
1. Dissolve the gelatine powder and sugar in the 2 tbsp water. Cool.
2. Fold the mascarpone into the whipped cream and then whisk in (using a small hand whisk) the gelatine liquid. Pour mascarpone mixture over the wine jelly, cover with wrap and leave to set in fridge. Serve very chilled with poached pears.


Set the mould tilted in a bowl.


                Don't be confused by the cointreau. It overpowered the cheese so I don't recommend it.


  1. Terri, trust you will used the old fashion way instead of the modern way. Good for us, who do not have too many modern gadgets.

  2. This looks great, I'm a huge jelly fan! Can't wait to go back to KK to eat all the local fruits again till I drop. Good luck with the Jelly Competition, you're off to a great start!! =D

  3. That is another gorgeous jelly! I used to eat guava off a tree too...they were real hard n crunchy but I loved the idea of eating a fresh fruit I picked myself from a tree in our own garden. cant beat the "farm-y' feeling of it..(have you tried reading a book hanging off a branch from a tree upside down? I did...LOL..crazy me.)

  4. Hey Terri, the pink guava sorbet looks beautiful and we love that drink coz it's so tasty and healthy too.

    We are also a little confused as to whether we are allowed to break posting a recipe and if so, how long can that break be?? We thought a post is required everyday and if not, what else are we suppose to post and whether it needs to be related to the recipes too?! :(

  5. Lovely!!
    Like ChopinandMysaucepan, I am a little confused too as I was told the same thing that a recipe can be divided into several post, so, not necessarily to have 1 recipe per day. But, I don't know the max post limit not to posted a recipe, but only mention of using jelly mould. :(

  6. I am so glad that I got to know your blog through this event. This looks absolutely stunning! Oh, and sexy too! Hard to believe a tree-climbing tomboy is now producing such delicate, sweet looking pretty little things! Keep them coming, congrats!

  7. Hm, I read the requirements as needing to blog a new creative use for the mould each day but not necessarily a new recipe each day. As in, each day shows a different use of the mould, but it doesn't have to always be a recipe (example: using it as a paper-clip holder). Does this jive with your understanding?

    I never knew about these "apple-like" guavas until I came to Malaysia. And I didn't know that they were cultivated to be that way, but I guess that makes sense. The seedy ones are impossible to enjoy. I agree with you that the sweetest guavas are the ones picked straight off the tree. I've had some pretty sweet ones, and I've had some totally bland ones that need that assam boi powder. I much prefer the naturally sweet ones.

  8. Oh Terri, I love this gorgeous jelly. It is so pretty and healthy.

  9. This looks so stunning, and the pear and marscapone combination would be divine.

  10. I loved your picture of the guava slices with the salted plum powder, which I'm guessing is what we call "li hing mui powder" here. Although I've never had it on guava, I've eaten it on apples, oranges, lemons, and, gasp, popcorn! Imua (go forth, in Hawaiian).

  11. This guava jelly is just superb! Exciting colours!

  12. I am officially confused of the posting requirements. It is also proof that I never read the fine lines. LOL

    I am actually looking forward to your mascarpone recipe. Also, I have never seen seedless guava. It must be super yummy, minus the annoying bite of seeds

  13. yolly: yolly as in yo ma?? haha i think so!

    winston: thank you:)

    zurin: u did tt?? you were even more of a tomboy than me! i can't imagine you like tt. but tt must've been fun (my daughter said you must've copied tt from a malay lit book bc she read tt too n wanted to hang upside down from a tree too)

    chopin,cookinghut: they said as long as we blog daily, folow the rules of mentioning the competition n so on, it's ok if there's no recipe daily but since everybody's doing it(msians are just as kiasu!), let's follow the leader (billy, who 's the first to post everyday)

    lite home bake: how nice of you! thank you! been to your blog n i can learn so much from you:)

  14. nate: yes sir/mdm i get it:)

    anncoo: thank you sweet girl:)

    muppy: i actually prefer to drink the stuff than jelly it!

    kikukat on popcorn! i must try it. it sounds crazy though!

    cheah: thanks, so nice of u:)

    jun: oh seedless everything is good:) i love your photos!

  15. this is lovely, very autumn, will try your recipe soon...

  16. I helped click on the banner, is that all we need to do? Just click? Anyway, I hoped you'll win.

  17. This looks divine and the mascarpone layer is perfect! Delicious!
